Loot Pets Crate Review
I was incredibly lucky to win a competition on Subscription Radar’s page, I received a Loot Pets Crate, which I was thoroughly excited about, as I’ve been hanging my nose over this specific subscription crate since getting Stark. For anyone out there who doesn’t know of Loot Crate it’s a subscription box program made specifically for geek culture, it comes packed every month with official merchandise from various TV, Movie, Game and other franchises. They have various different crates you can subscribe to, and each gets delivered to your door monthly. The pets version is quite new, and the idea of getting one of a kind merchandise for my puppy has been the reason for my frequent visits to Loot Crate’s site.
Now Loot Crate is not the cheapest of subscription boxes, their normal crate retails at £24.56 per month, the pets crate however is only £20.49, which is slightly cheaper, but you don’t appear to get quite as much. Although everything that comes in each of them would cost £50+, so you are getting more for your money, so to speak. Obviously if you can afford to you can save a few pounds with their different subscription plans, so the longer your subscription the more of a saving you get, if you can afford say 12 months all upfront.
Upon receiving the crate I knew I had to do a blog post about it, as it really is hard to find out all the details of what exactly comes in this crate, I have put together this post after a couple of months of research and testing the products within. (Please excuse poor photo quality, I was using an old phone when taking these pictures, as I had unfortunately dropped mine down the toilet just before this arrived :S)

As with all Loot Crate’s the Pet Crate arrived in this lovely box, which is very secure and honestly just a lovely box, I really like how when you open it you’re hit with this great bright orange colour, and how nicely it contrasts with the black. I think how the box has the little pawprints on it is a really nice touch, along with still having the Loot Crate branding. There was really no chance of my items getting damaged as they were all packaged neatly and fitted into the box nicely, they didn’t have a lot of room to roll around during transportation, which is just what I like to see!
Now down to the nitty gritty.
The Items
I received Octobers ‘Horror’ Crate, which included scary themed items from Halloween, Gremlins, Scooby Doo and obviously The Walking Dead, which also had it’s own little plug on the lid of the box. I do love how Loot Crate link with current events and holidays in each of their monthly crates, along with how their pets crate relates to as many animal themed franchises as possible.
In this box I received a Gremlins feeding mat, a Walking Dead themed Doggy T-shirt, A Halloween Dog Tag, Scooby Doo themed treats and a Mystery Machine toy (which I was more excited about than Stark was I think haha). I did like the selection, as there was something for everyone, although my main bug bear with Loot Crate is that you don’t get the chance to tell them what you really like and what you don’t fandom wise, which means you can and do end up with merchandise for franchises you aren’t really a fan of. With the pets crate this doesn’t bother me so much, as everything is usable and in some cases going to be destroyed by my puppy. Although I have to say this is one of my main reasons for being reluctant to subscribe to any of their other crates.
Here’s a breakdown of all the items included;
Gremlins Feeding Mat
If I’m honest I’ve wanted a feeding mat ever since I got Stark, as being half beagle and half cavalier (two of the most hungry dog breeds) she scoffs her food so quickly she ends up forcefully pushing her bowl around the floor, in some kind of feeding dance. This has completely stopped that, most bowls stay gripped to the fabric surface, and the mat itself is very hard for her to budge, because of the rubbery underside, I don’t think she’s ever managed to move it. It’s also lightly padded, which means it soaks up any moisture that may get spilled from her bowls, which helps with keeping my floor slip free. Plus it’s Gremlins, Gizmo is pictured all over it, along with the warning ‘Do Not Feed After Midnight!’, it was always going to be a firm favourite of mine.
Spooky Snacks
I am a little picky when it comes to what treats I feed Stark, firstly she’s a puppy, and not all snacks are made for puppy’s, and secondly, she’s always had a very sensitive stomach, so I have to keep an eye on what works for her and what reacts with her. When I looked at these treats they didn’t appear to look very good for her, they looked very processed, and honestly I didn’t understand half of the stuff that was in them. In all honesty though, she absolutely loved them, as did all the other dogs in my household. Stark was so obsessed she managed to be a sneaky little pup and steal them when I wasn’t looking, she proceeded to scoff down the entire packet within seconds, and all that was left was a very ripped piece of plastic. So unfortunately I couldn’t really monitor how these fared with her sensitive tummy and her normal food, but I can say eating a whole packet didn’t really affect her greatly, she still had solid poos, even though there were a lot of them and they were all the same beige colour as the spooky snacks.
Halloween Dog Tag
Ok, so, this is a quick one, as I’m not a fan of the Halloween movies I didn’t keep the tag, I gave it to my cousin for his dog. It was great quality, and I’m a bit annoyed it wasn’t something I liked. My only major bug bear here was it would end up being more of a charm than a tag of any use, since on the back they’d imprinted their Loot Pets logo, so you wouldn’t have been able to put your contact details on there at all. It is simply a fashion piece.
Mystery Machine Squeaky Toy
This is my absolute favourite out of the whole box! Mainly because I have been a MASSIVE Scooby Doo fan since I was a child. Honestly when this came out of the box I played with it more than the dog to begin with. This is a really tough and durable toy. The outer fabric isn’t soft, it has a much harder quality to it, which is sometimes what you want, and it definitely made it harder to destroy. I’ve found it great to play with, and Stark really did love it as soon as she laid eyes on it. It’s not the easiest to squeak, but the quality of the toy is top notch, and I think this is the highlight of the crate for me.
The Walking Dead Baseball Shirt
Now I’m not a massive fan of dressing dogs up as a regular thing, on the odd occasion like for Christmas and photos I don’t mind, but I’m not one to leave them running around constantly in clothes, I find it ruins petting them if you can’t stroke all of their fur. Although this shirt was really nice, it had a lot of room and wasn’t too thick. Stark was still able to move naturally and she barely even noticed she had it on. Plus I love the design, even though I don’t watch the Walking Dead… Yet! My biggest annoyance with the T Shirt part of this crate is that when I received it I expected to get a human one to match in the box, as advertised on their site and all their pictures at the time. Sadly this is something Loot Crate have recently stopped, which kind of sucked if you ask me, as that was the biggest draw of the box and the T Shirt, is that I also got something with my pet, and we could wander around matching, I mean that’s truly the coolest thing ever right?! Upon asking Loot Crate about this I was told the only way to get a human shirt that matched my dogs was to buy the normal Loot Crate along with the Pets one, and the shirts would match up. None of the other crates, such as Loot Wear, would have the same shirt. Sadly I don’t have £45 a month to spend on Crates, if I did, I honestly would. I discussed further with the Loot Crate team recently about other ways to get matching shirts only to find out they’re not including pet T Shirts in future Crates, it may be something they have every now and again, but it’s not a permanent feature anymore. This is so they can include more treats and toys for your pets, which I can understand. Plus no one wants to be over run with millions of pet T Shirts anyway. Although I do think Loot Crate should update their Loot Pets pictures to not feature matching shirts anymore, as this gives a false idea of what you’ll be receiving.
The Verdict
Loot Pets is a great crate, it’s roughly about the same price as the higher end crates you can get for your pets, and the bonus is everything is themed to fandoms! Everything in a crate is licensed to Loot Crate and you won’t find it anywhere else. Everything in the crate is of a good quality so you’re not getting ripped off, but if you can get a money off voucher I would, as I always find it helps to save as much as you can, as pets are expensive anyway. Will I be buying it? Yeah I will, when I have slightly more money coming in to cover it, or when there’s definitely something Marvel related that my dog MUST have, and then you will definitely see a review on how the new box is put together, along with monthly vlogs of opening the crate with Starks reaction, when my Youtube is set up. Basically if you’re a geek and have a pet this is the pet crate to have.
You can’t deny how cute she looks with it all. Another big shout out to Subscription Radar for picking me and Stark to win their competition, I am very grateful. Check them out if your curious about anything to do with subscription crates, they have it all, along with discount codes!
Are you a Loot Crate fan? Let me know what you subscribe to and what you think in the comments! I’d love to hear from you.